May 11th, 2020073As of now shad are spawning along retaining walls and in back of coves. Look for roosting egrets along the bank to lead you to fish which will be chasing the shad.
Use any kind of swim bait or rattletrap type lure to catch both Sandies and the occasional Hybrid, this will last another couple of weeks. The fish will stack on humps and...
August 27th, 2019086With water temps at 87 degrees a strong thermocline is holding at 20 feet, therefore fish will be above that depth and with the Sandies. We found them stacked in water as shallow as 10 feet around shallow humps and points. Catching some on slabs but for easy limits, we are trolling hell/pet rigs letting out about 30 ft of line behind...
July 2nd, 20190113Saturday’s trip was tough, fish were scattered, no schooling and slab bite was fair at best. Beginning to be summer trolling pattern time. We use hellbender/ pet spoon combo to find fish stacked on humps or suspended just off the side of humps and ledges anywhere from 12-20 feet of water, depending on how deep your fishing is how much...
June 23rd, 2019082Very windy and fish had moved from where they had been. Found some on west side of lake 14-16 feet, most on chrome slabs and some caught trolling the hell/pet rig. Lots of small Sandies today.
June 16th, 2019052Was asked to help JV’s guide service on Lake Ray Hubbard. Had Diego and his father and girlfriend out for a morning in the surf and spray with winds gusting in excess of 25. Found a good pile of fish stacked in water 14-17 feet. All fish caught on chrome slabs.
June 8th, 2019080Found fish stacked on humps 15-19 feet chrome slabs with jig tied above it with many, many doubles. Lots of small fish and small hybrids mixed in and a few eating-sized Blue Cats. Water temperature 80 degrees on this fine day in early June 2019.
May 6th, 2019092Sandies are stacking up on humps 10-13 feet, nothing below that. Find a shallow hump and start jigging chrome slabs up and down. Also some bird activity in same areas. We are using chrome crankbaits and catching small hybrids mixed in with big Sandies.
May 2nd, 2019063With water temps near 70 degrees the shad are spawning and will be shallow on points and up against retaining walls. We are using chrome rattle traps to mimic the shad and are catching big Sandies and lots of under Hybrids. Make sure Hybrids are 18 inches if you want to keep them. Also watch for diving Sesgulls, they’ll put you on some...
April 25th, 2019063Sandies on humps and points 13-17 feet being caught in silver slabs jigged vertically with some Hybrids mixed mostly undersized. Watch your fish carefully to make sure what your keeping isn’t a undersized Hybrid which must be 18 inches or more. Crappie shallow 4-6 feet under docks and pilings and along weeded banks, being caught on...